domingo, 7 de junio de 2009

6. Write a new tittle of the book and desing a picture for it

A picture:

A new tittle:
The strange world of Bruno

5.What do you think about german camps?

It was very bad. Is very horrible see the photos of Holocaust, is very sad. The persons were very thin.

4.Find numbers the deads of the german camps

17 million people

3.Find the simbols of the german camps

Yellow(Star of David) Jewish. This symbol was used prior to the camps in the ghettos and when Jews were in the general population
PinkGay men convicted under Paragraphs 174, 175 and 176 of the Reich Penal Code
PurpleJehovah's Witnesses
RedPolitical prisoners

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

1.Describe the characters of the book

Bruno: He was 9 years old. He liked playing with Shmmuel. He was inocent, and was shorter than Grettel. He had very very short hair.

Grettel: She was 11 years old. She liked playing with dolls. She love teniente Kotler.

Padre: He was Fürer assistant.

Madre: She was tall. She had long and red hair.

Shmmuel: He was 9 years old. He liked playing with Bruno. He was Jewish. He had a suit of prisioner.

Maria: She was the family assistant.